
Cross-play is the answer to every child's dream. Everyone wants to be told that the video game they want to play can be played on the exact device they own.

Sometimes it take awhile to get things going in a manga. In regards to the recent adaptation of Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, the first volume did a good job with presenting its world and female lead. However, its

Visual novels can be a bit of a hard sell for the common gamer. Unless it has a special kind of gameplay aspect to it (i.e. VA-11 HALL-A and its drink mix menu), most people outside of the Japanese market

Be it in her original series or her newer fun romps, Japan's famous kitten Chi knows how to bring smiles to people of all ages. The tabby and her human & feline pals always manages to deliver a good chuckle

Is there any such thing as too many video games? This month would make a good case in point.

Way back, seemingly a million years ago, this podcast was born. And on that very first show, Ninja and Panda spent the whole show talking about the original Kingdom Hearts game.

"A wise man will climb Mt. Fuji once; a fool will climb Mt. Fuji twice." - Japanese Proverb Mountain climbing can be a strenuous hobby. I've hiked up quite a few mighty hills and a handful of mountains in the New

What do you avoid in your life? For Pandalicious, the answer is: Pressure. She can get around just fine without that, thank you.