HomePodcast (Page 32)

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I bet you thought I was gonna share a picture of me making a weird face.


This monday brings with it a very special guest, Mayor Young from Fantastic Forum and Gecken The Sistahs love when they have company and it definitely shows. The three of them discuss the Assassin's Creed + Pirate news and touch upon

So this Monday the sistahs talked about a great IndieGoGo Campaign you should all be aware of. Also they talked about the recently announce Playstation 4. The girls interview writer, Ross Thibodeaux about his baby, Son of Blackslaw. We can't stress

If fighting the harsh cold weather, and bacteria filled air, the sistahs bring video games news and anime front and center. Ninja talked about the news Sony plans to share with the world on Tuesday. Jointly the sistahs talk about

So as you could tell last week the sistahs didn't have a show. It was Super Bowl Sunday. They almost didn't have a show this week due t sickness and Blizzard Nemo giving them a run for their money-- literally.

And Surprisingly enough, Panda didn't say this week's title. We are as shocked as you are!