ESH Cast #477: Read My Lips: Hard Is Really Hard
The name of the game may be different, but the addiction always stays the same. This week, NinJaSistah started a brand new game, The Division, and now she's playing it practically every waking minute.
She talks about the game at length on this week's podcast. Pandalicious has played a little of it as well, so both of them offer their educated opinions of the game. You've probably been playing it, too, so you won't be surprised that they're very happy with it.
In addition, Panda talks about some of the movies she's seen lately -- some old, some new. She also discusses the addition of a companion to the Boston Festival of Independent Games, a new version of the show coming to Connecticut April 30 in New Haven, Conn. You can get more information on the show here.
So, if you've been wondering if you would like The Divisin, Ninja and Panda give you the full scoop in ESH Cast #477: Read My Lips: Hard Is Really Hard.