Home2016August (Page 7)

With the heat of summer and the plethora of anime and game conventions, the rumor mill gets a little quiet. That's OK. It'll heat up at the same time things cool down everywhere else.

Holy shit. As the end credits rolled through "Realm of Shadows," the first episode of BATMAN - The Telltale Series, those two words were the only thing I could muster up. For years, I've held high regard for Rocksteady Studios and

Fans of three 16-bit platformer games from the 1990s, Disney Aladdin, Disney The Lion King and Disney The Jungle Book, can now start celebrating the return of these games, exclusively at GOG.com.

Aoharu x Machinegun, an anime derived from a manga, will be released on home video in the U.s. on Nov. 15.

When I was a kid, I would plunk myself at the nearest rail shooter at the local arcade. The likes of Terminator 2: The Arcade Game and Aerosmith: Revolution X were at my beck and call when I had a good

Since the launch of Pokémon Go, trainers worldwide (in the countries eligible) have already embarked on their magical Pokémon journey. Niantic's powerhouse game, Pokémon Go, has shocked nations, toppled markets and let us relive our fondest childhood memories. Data shows that thousands upon thousands of

Already released in Japan, the anime movie Digimon Adventure tri. - Chapter 1: Reunion will be available for one night, Sept. 15, to nearly 400 Fathom Events theaters at 7 p.m. local time.

Now that the preliminaries are over with in most of the summer anime, we finally get to the meat of the matter.

A lot of press releases cross the desk here at ESH News Central, but few press releases appeared more pitiful that the one I received today from the folks at Nintendo.

This is the year of the R-rated movie. It all started with Deadpool in February. When the next big comic book movie came along, Batman vs. Superman, it was a flop and many blamed the fact that it wasn't R-rated, so we're afraid we're liable to see a lot of R-rated movies on superhero subjects in the months to come.