Monday rears it's ugly head once again, so you know what that means
When the Ninja's away, the Sistahs will play. That's pretty much what's happening in this week's new podcast as Pandalicious and MagicMysticGrl take the mic while NinjaSistah returns from the E3 convention.Pandalicious, who's finally begun her search for a job,
In case you couldn't tell from the title of this item, it's new podcast day here at ESH, and boy oh boy have Pandalicious and NinJaSistah have something good in store for you!This episode is good people. It's got
Ok, so I got a little distracted by my purdy new gadget [iPhone BITCH!] and sorta kinda forgot to post this weeks podcast episode. My bad homies, my bad.That damn phone seduced me people. It lured me away
Monday brings with it once again a crunchy new episode of the Electric Sista Hood podcast, and this one is just as off the wall and fun as the other ones!All three regular hosts hop on the cast this week
I'll keep this one short. It's new podcast episode day here at ESH, and this one is special.Join robot74107 in exploring some of the reasons why and how our podcast earned its "Explicit" tag. Plug in your headphones,
MMMM, new podcast episode day has once again decided to grace us with it's presence and bring with it Episode 53 of the ESH podcast.Pandalicious goes all rear entry and shares her insights on Backstage Prince while NinJa laments her
Mmmm, Monday morning new podcast episode freshness coming right at ya folks!The girls are back after a quick mini vacation with a new podcast episode that covers [among other things] the anime series Peach Girl, the works of Mayu Shinjo
It's another Top 5 episode this week, proudly presented by frequent ESH contributor Douceswild. In this episode he gives his take on the Top 5 Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, or MMORPGs.He's researched the field thoroughly, spending his own time
It's podcast time once again and the Sistahs have a lively show for you this week. You can get a load of it right here.Pandalicious takes the Mic of a Thousand Truths (M1KT) and talks about an anime she really