Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King never hides the fact that it was greatly influenced by The Legend of Zelda. Hell, the grandpa narrator comes very close to telling a tale from Hyrule before his grandkids demand another story. Still, despite
It's been nearly five years since Humble Hearts first hit the gaming realm with Dust: An Elysian Tail. The side-scrolling adventure about an anthropomorphic warrior and his adorable sidekick wound up wowing me so much that it took my Game
You have to hand it to Gears for Breakfast for their Kickstarter-funded A Hat in Time. A nod to the 3D platformers that Rareware once ruled over, the story of a top-hat wearing girl and her quest to find her
Minecraft: Story Mode may not have started out as one of Telltale Games' most memorable adaptations, but did it work its way up there. Bumps in the initial first season made it almost a throwaway title, before an additional three
Growing up in a highly competitive house, I've grown into a fair bit of anxiety when it comes to competitive games. Finding one that manages to feel just as fun whether you win or lose is rare, but Ultimate Chicken
Playing a game like Hotline Miami leaves one with so many questions. How can one guy take on this many thugs and walk away scott free? Where does he get that many weapons? Why the animal masks? Most important of
I'll admit: Until today I never really could relate to Minecraft: Story Mode nor its original world-building counterpart. It's not that I don't feel anything for these characters, but even at its best I just couldn't look at someone like
Tabletop gaming has been something I've only gotten deeper into with the last few years, while my video game hobby has been around since I could hold a controller. Since I started getting more into playing board games, I've been
And thus, we've returned to Star Lord and the gang. Rather, what's left of the gang after the end of Episode Four. With Peter left sitting in a bar as Hala destroys everything surrounding her, an epiphany of sorts brews
Atmospheric exploration puzzle games have long been perfected by the likes of Team Ico with titles like Ico and The Last Guardian providing stellar examples of how the genre is done right. Showing clear inspiration from the aforementioned games, Tequila