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Sometimes you need to press that reset button hard in life. Timberline Studios knows this well, as evident in their upcoming game The Red Lantern. Mixing a deep narrative with an Oregon Trail-like gameplay style, Players embark on a journey

The trio of 3D Realms, One More Level, and Slipgate Ironworks have concocted a first-person experience that’s a beast to experience! Entitled Ghostrunner, the game mashes up parkour mechanics and assassination strategy, and ups the difficulty to the extreme. At

There’s always a good feeling when you sit down with a Sukeban Games title. When it comes to their visual novel style, they nail the character development, interactions, and gameplay mechanics in ways that would make even the best Japanese

It’s been well over a decade since the Disaster Report series has had a new title, and thirteen years since it hit the US. So it was kind of a surprise to see a new installment be announced out of

Top-down horror can be a tricky thing to pull off, but it’s not within the realm of impossibility. In the case of SKYHILL: Black Mist, the upcoming sequel to the side-scroller horror title, tension can be pulled off in the

When you are in need of a fun platforming Metroidvania, you cannot go wrong with the Shantae franchise. The heroic adventures of the half-genie hero are always chock full of great gameplay, unqiue storytelling, and a wicked strong funny bone.

As the end credits rolled by, I took a deep breath and sighed. With hands aching, a smile crawled up my lips. And within my heart was a thumping rhythm of happiness. This is what it feels like to experience

On the surface, Affable Games’ Speaking Simulator is pretty dumb. And yet, I somehow found it shockingly relatable. Here is a video game that takes a wacky premise and gameplay mechanic, and creates a visual representation of how it feels

It’s sometimes the most simplistic of games that bring us the biggest joys in life. In a world where there are 100+ hour campaign-filled video games coming out almost daily, we should be grateful for the titles that only take

When PlayStation banned the release of Omega Labyrinth Z in the West, it would’ve seem like that franchise would never reach our side of the Pacific. So what’s a developer to do when such a headache occurs? Simple: make two