
Greetings ESH Landers!

Here is a reminder of just how gangsta the holiday season can be! Fo Sho!

Devoted fans of The Legend of Zelda series can certainly be a fickle bunch.  If the last game in the series was too much like A Link to the Past's tried and true formula, the fans cry out for change.  If a game deviates too far, they all demand a return to the series roots.  Today's pre-game, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, fell into the latter category.

It's been about a month and another one has FINALLY BEEN RELEASED.

The world hasn't ended and a new Monday has come. Today brings with it a new episode of the ESH podcast. In this week's podcast Ninjasistah and Pandalicious talk about video games mostly due the recent aired VGA's. Ninja

A few months ago my house was hit with a massive basement flood, and we lost all of our cassette tapes that contained many holiday classics that have not been shown on television for years. Some we've been able to find on DVD, others not so much. Considering that every year we are bombarded with the same Christmas specials that everyone has seen before, it's a shame that some other fantastic ones are swept under the rug. While we are always happy to see the faces of Rudolph and Charlie Brown appear on the TV there are always quite a few that are only aired once or twice, and then swept under the rug for no apparent reason. Here now are five that deserve to be seen once more by the people.

One of my favorite video game genres growing up was survival horror.  Mostly playing games from the Resident Evil series, the thing I enjoyed most about them, aside from the scenes of explicit violence and gore, was how they made me feel while I played.  Almost like the video game equivalent of a roller coaster, there was plenty of screaming and even more adrenaline.  Fast forward from the mid-to-late 90s all the way up to 2008 and the survival horror genre was ebbing.  That all changed when the predecessor for one of my top picks for this year hit the scene that October.  That’s right, today we’re going to be talking about Dead Space.


There's no need to fear, your new ESH Podcast episode is here. This week the ladies talk gadgets and gizmo's a-plenty with some cool new Portal 2 merch from the fine folks at Think Geek and great gifts from Blue Microphones

Launch day for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, I grab my copy as soon as my local game retailer opens. After running a few more errands, I make my way home and eagerly pop the new title into my Wii. To my horror, nothing comes up on the screen save for an error message informing me of the demise of my beloved system. It’s been a rough couple of weeks, but I’ve finally got my Wii back and am working hard to play through it. In the meantime, it’s that time of year where we start to reflect on what we’ve played. More specifically, I’ll be focusing on what came before the games I played this year. Pre-game of the year begins with a look at the daring predecessor of Batman: Arkham City.