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Creating a horror game out of folklores of one's country of origin can be both rewarding and educational to its players. As there are many ways to haunt people, it can lead to unique ideas and concepts that the main

Video games made with RPG Maker can wind up churning out some unexpected cult hits. We've seen the likes of Corpse Party, To The Moon, and Always Sometimes Monsters finding not just a massive fanbase, but also various sequels and

When in doubt, follow the Zelda formula. That's what I've come to find many indie developers do when it comes to action RPGs. Often, it can lead to some unique experiences like the death-inspired Continue?9876543210, or it can deliver true

Sometimes a game doesn't need much to be memorable. All one needs is a simple premise that's tinkered to its very limits. Titles like Limbo and Badland showcased this wonderfully with dark tones and a unique story that slowly revealed

When you really think about it, Canada is truly the safest place to be when it comes to the supernatural. Where else would you find a country that had protection from the likes of WolfCop, The Kids In The Hall,

It really hurts the heart when you have to go after a game developer that you hold near & dear. The works of The Behemoth have brought me nonstop laughter & joy in such works as BattleBlock Theater and Castle

Stories about assassinations and kidnapping is always a serious affair, be it in TV, movies, or video games. Perhaps that's why Manila-based developers Chryse saw a challenge of bringing a more humorous twist on these kinds of tales, with their

Rarely has a game grabbed my attention just by title alone like Yuppie Psycho has. Baroque Decay, the same folks behind The Count Lucanor, has managed to take an Office Space-like setting and place it smack dab with a Corpse Party

Disco Elysium doesn't want to be that average run-of-the-mill RPG experience. Right from the get-go, you are transported into a world that looks like an oil canvas painted alongside a rusty big rig. Its protagonist is someone you have no

It's a scientifically proven fact that the only way to stop the zombie apocalypse is with the power of heavy metal! (Hell, how do you think Iron Maiden got Eddie as their mascot?!) So it's rather surprising that a metal-based