The main subject of this week's podcast is not a video game at all. But, perhaps one day, it will become the equivalent of one.
Once again, the ladies of the ElectricSistaHood pour out their hearts about anime and video games, but their admonitions come with a warning as well: Don't get taken in.
The Sistahs get on the same page with this week's show. They both saw the Doctor Strange movie on the same weekend, and it was opening weekend at that.
The show returns to some sense of normalcy this week, with us talking about video games, apps and gadgets.
Seems like everytime you turn around somebody's introducing a new gaming console. This week was no different.
For those of you who have never seen us in our element, this week we're doing what we do best: play video games.
We didn't intend for it to happen this way, but comic book movies take up the majority of this week's show.
It's the holy trinity of enjoying a TV show, or at least that's what we say early on in this week's show.
After a few weeks of letting the day job rule our lives, we're finally back on track. We hope.
Actually, we're not live from the Boston Festival of Indie Games, but we're drect from BFIG.