HomeAnime (Page 25)

First and foremost, Gyakushu is not an Manga, as in Manga with a capital "M." It is currently a motion comic, though. Ohhh, now here's where I actually tell you what Gyakushu is. Gyakushu is a story of vengeance, about a

With a name like Squid Girl many anime fans' thoughts would turn to the dark side. A girl with many tentacles? It's time to get your mind out of the gutter, for this show isn't the least bit dirty; in fact this new comedy is perhaps this year's most charming anime.

Everybody wants to make an iPhone killer. Companies are coming out of the woodwork to fashion their own Android-based phone. Hewlett Packard paid a billion dollars to buy Palm for its mobile operating system. Microsoft is betting the farm on its own variety of mobile operating systems.

But no matter how sophisticated the smartphone market gets, no matter how much more market share the Android operating system attains, there's no single phone manufacturer likely to supplant Apple from the gross numbers of devices sold that run its iOS operating system.

And that's all the phone manufacturers care about. Motorola, Nokia, Sony Erickson, Palm, RIM (Blackberry), Samsung -- they all want to be where Apple is. That's why they all keep announcing their own versions of iPhone killers.

All this in-fighting reminds me of Dragonball Z.

2010 has been the year of the anime world turning to the Americas for inspiration. Highschool of the Dead looked to George A. Romero for its zombified gore and glory, and Occult Academy took a nod from Sam Raimi's style of things that go bump and chuckle in the night. This month the folks over at GAINAX (FLCL, Evangelion) are up at bat, with their spin on gross-out and overtly-sexual humor in the vein of Ren & Stimpy: Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt. It comes as no surprise that the same studio that brought us Kare Kano and Gunbuster manage to hit this one out of the park.

Apparently, Hulu Desktop is still in beta

Hulu's offering of anime.

It upsets me that I end up missing out on all the free & legal anime that's out there. Funimation is probably the best at offering free streaming video of their titles, and Hulu plays them as well. With that in mind, I took a moment to see what I can get for the best price of all.

Here's what's new on Hulu:

The anime world is finally showing its big guns this year, thanks in part to the new supernatural series Occult Academy. Somewhere in this country Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell are smiling...

Anime Expo (as well as other sources) have been filled to the brim with news of new and recently-acquired anime films. Which ones, you ask? How does a new Fullmetal Alchemist movie sound?

When a series features the biggest asshole of a Santa Claus in the first episode, viewers will know that they are in for a big treat. Such is the case of Hayate the Combat Butler, a real comedy pearl if there ever was one.

As of the 3rd of this month, the Japanese side of Warner Brothers set up a 'Coming Soon' website devoted to their newest project, Supernatural: The Animation. Reports indicate that this realization of one of my previously unattainable wet-dreams made anime will be launching in January of 2011.

Aniplex has given up 23 minutes of a sci-fi anime called Welcome to the Space Show for everyone to enjoy. You don't need any money to watch it, and you can tell your friends that you watch an anime 100%