We’ve all played a flash game at least once. Ten to one, it was probably a tower defense game too. Flash games normally don’t stand up to full console games, and of course there are reasons for that. But what if flash games had a full community, with achievement points, chat rooms, and a place for up-and-coming game developers to show off their early works?
OK, let's continue cutting through the jungle that are the PSN Store's demo offerings.
Are you hungry? then let's check out Diner Dash.
If you like to play casual PC games, then you might have come across this type of game before: these are the restaurant games where you're taking orders in an ever-hectic environment, trying to please as many customers as you can.
I remember the days when I used to rent games rather frequently. In those days, a game would come every once in a while that I enjoyed so much that I would rent it multiple times. When I saw that one of them popped up on Nintendo’s virtual console on monday, I couldn’t help myself from grabbing it up. Aero the Acro-Bat was a game created by Sunsoft back in the day for the SNES with the anthropomorphic animal with an attitude feel for it. So, yes I did pick it up, but does it still hold the same fun today?
New Monday, new podcast episode. Don't let the title fool you, this is an episode of the ESH podcast, you'll just have listen to the episode to see how these two topics fit in with gaming and general nerd-doom.
Leave it to the Belgians to create a movie with a random chain of events, ending with one hilarious conclusion. Such is the case of the 2009 animated film A Town Called Panic.
Offshoots and spinoffs have been quite common among games as of late. Dante’s Inferno had a video release, there was a novelization of World of Warcraft’s main baddie in the form of Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, but none have been nearly as impressive in terms of sheer volume as the Dead Space franchise. With the second game not gracing us with its presence until early next year, there are still plenty of ways to get hyped up about the upcoming horror game. The real question is, is it too much?
A new Legend of Zelda game has been a long time coming. So much that when the trailer started running at the beginning of the press event, I was excited, but not all that surprised. It was thrilling to see one of my childhood heroes, Shigeru Miyamoto, burst from behind a screen to demo the newest game in one of my favorite series of all time. Other than the trouble with Deku Baba, the plant monster, the live demo was very exciting to see all the new bits that would be populating Link and Zelda’s new adventure.
The anime world is finally showing its big guns this year, thanks in part to the new supernatural series Occult Academy. Somewhere in this country Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell are smiling...
I FINALLY got some splitter cables for my TV/ PC monitor so I can do so9me playing/ capturing of some demos!
Hamster ball is a tough demo for me to judge.