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Rarely has a game grabbed my attention just by title alone like Yuppie Psycho has. Baroque Decay, the same folks behind The Count Lucanor, has managed to take an Office Space-like setting and place it smack dab with a Corpse Party

Disco Elysium doesn't want to be that average run-of-the-mill RPG experience. Right from the get-go, you are transported into a world that looks like an oil canvas painted alongside a rusty big rig. Its protagonist is someone you have no

It's a scientifically proven fact that the only way to stop the zombie apocalypse is with the power of heavy metal! (Hell, how do you think Iron Maiden got Eddie as their mascot?!) So it's rather surprising that a metal-based

Putting together a good gaming rig takes time, money, and the right gear. What monitor - or monitors - should you get? Do you need to do 7.1 surround sound, or will a single sound bar work for your space?

In modern times, the realm of the ancient occult has been labeled as bunk by the scientists of the world. Oh, ye of little faith, I say, as our modern times are unable to comprehend the existence of ghosts, monsters,

When the only thing in the world that won't kill you are the rats, you have a problem!

SNK has been entertaining gamers for four decades, so naturally it would seem suited that they would celebrate this occasion the only way they know how: by putting up their dukes and getting an epic battle on. With many of the best

Rhythm game fans rejoice! There’s a new game in town currently available on the Nintendo Switch - coming soon to PS4 and Xbox One - that you’re going to love playing. Let me introduce you to Floor Kids. Get to Know

The world of ancients can be a dangerous place to roam, especially when both the wonders of nature and other people are out to claim your land as their own. Frostkeep Studios is aiming to showcase the harrowing tasks behind

Leave it to Goichi Suda to craft the most meta demo at PAX East this year. The mastermind behind the likes of Killer 7, Lollipop Chainsaw, and The Silver Case has once again brought back his beloved character Travis Touchdown