Sometimes we're more clever than our normal pay grade. For those of you who are unaware, today's title is a homage to the movie Pulp Fiction.
It's always difficult to know what's real at E3 and what's not.
Of course, the "leak" we talk about in this week's title is the big leak made a few weeks ago by WalMart Canada. It's the reason this week's announcements at the E3 conference weren't quite as surprising as they might have been.
We dredge up an old TV commercial from the 1970s to produce this week's title. Do you know what the commercial was about?
We usually choose a good, long, verbose title for these shows. Not this week. This week, we could explain it all in three simple words.
Those hopeful words are delivered in the first few minutes of this week's show by Pandalicious.
How soon is Just Right? That's the problem the Sistahs face every week.
Having done a video game and anime podcast every week for the past 12 years, it would be correct to say that not every anime we've ever watched has been stellar. We've seen the good ones. We've seen the bad
NinjaSistah jumped right on the newest iteration of the "God of War" franchise, and she gives this warning right up front this week: If you don't want to know the ending of the game, you don't want to listen to this show until you've played it.
Any long-time listener of the ElectricSistaHood podcast knows that Ninja loves her some God of War. The game, in its many incarnations, has been the subject of many a discussion over the last 12 years.