On the surface, the protagonist of The Arcade Crew’s KUNAI may seem like the friendly fellow. A cross between BMO from Adventure Time and a Don Hertzfeldt concoction, the hero of this tale seems to be beaming with happiness at
There are your point-and-click adventures, and there are your romantic visual novels. Developers Serenity Forge aims to combine both worlds and deliver a new experience for those itching for the old-school days of LucasArts and Sierra storytelling. With their upcoming
When you get involved with a Justin Roiland project, you basically know what you’re signing up for. The creator of Rick & Morty and House of Cosbys has found his interactive niche within the virtual world, after his success with
Carnage, honor, and sweet kung fu are always on the menu in a Mortal Kombat game. After nearly 25 years of wowing fighting game enthusiasts and angering parents and politicians alike, the popular franchise never seems to see any sign
It has been eighteen years since Ulala and the rest of the Space Channel 5 crew has graced their own video game. While they have popped up in various other games, the dance-happy news crew has found themselves missing out
Stories about assassinations and kidnapping is always a serious affair, be it in TV, movies, or video games. Perhaps that's why Manila-based developers Chryse saw a challenge of bringing a more humorous twist on these kinds of tales, with their
Rarely has a game grabbed my attention just by title alone like Yuppie Psycho has. Baroque Decay, the same folks behind The Count Lucanor, has managed to take an Office Space-like setting and place it smack dab with a Corpse Party
Disco Elysium doesn't want to be that average run-of-the-mill RPG experience. Right from the get-go, you are transported into a world that looks like an oil canvas painted alongside a rusty big rig. Its protagonist is someone you have no
It's a scientifically proven fact that the only way to stop the zombie apocalypse is with the power of heavy metal! (Hell, how do you think Iron Maiden got Eddie as their mascot?!) So it's rather surprising that a metal-based
Putting together a good gaming rig takes time, money, and the right gear. What monitor - or monitors - should you get? Do you need to do 7.1 surround sound, or will a single sound bar work for your space?