HomeVideo Games (Page 132)

If you (the fans) are anything like me, you’ve been waiting for years upon years for the sequel to one of Blizzard Entertainment’s most famous strategy games to date. While we still don’t have a release date, I can tell you what will be coming in the collector’s edition package of Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. And boy, it’s a doozy.

A fudge up in EA's Warhammer Online billing system resulted in many player being charged up to 22 times the amount of the normal monthly subscription leaving those affected screaming WAAARRRR!

I got a chance to sit down with Heavy Rain Chronicles: The Taxidermist last night and boy is my heart tired.  In this prologue to the full game, you play as Madison Paige investigating a possible Origami Killer suspect.  Little does she know that, while he may not be the one she’s looking for, at least she’s good at finding murderers.

Loading screen for Taxidermist

Poor poor Madison Paige. She just can’t catch a break. Maybe if she stopped looking for serial killers, she would stop finding them.

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with The Doctor. If you're asking "Doctor who?", then you are absolutely correct.

Times can be tough for gamers. With each new game setting us back 60 bones, it can be hard to find the cash to spend. And it’s not like turning games into GameStop really helps at all. Usually $25 is all you’ll get for the $60 game you just beat. Well I have a solution. A better place to trade in your games and get more bang for your buck when you want to grab a used game.

The first time I ever went to a Best Buy with my girlfriend, she got to see a side of me that only comes out when browsing the games section.  A look of horror swept her face as I squealed with happiness.  You see, Killer 7 was on sale for the Gamecube for the low price of $9.99 and I had been looking for it for some time.  I’m a nut for good deals on games, but you do have to be careful.  Some deals are not always what they seem.

After all the games that came out, there are only leftovers to be had. There is only one demo out this week, and it's called Brain Challenge. I know that when it comes to the stereotypical  gamer, the only brain challenge they're

Day Two of PAX EAST and Panda's had her hands on a lot of things...most recently Red Dead Redemption.

With Megaman 10 out on Wii, PSN, and soon to be released on 360, Megaman fever is sure to be abuzz. I however, have my eyes set a bit on the future. I was never an avid player of the classes NES Megaman titles, preferring the gameplay of the X series. But I’m even more interested in the storyline that follows the Blue Bomber’s friend, of the red persuasion. That’s right folks; the wielder of the Z-buster is getting somewhat of a comeback.